CO2 sensor over COVID-19


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Monitor to ventilate polluted air to prevent from COVID-19

in schools, institutes, nursing facilities, sports centers, meeting rooms, restaurants, etc.

CambrianRobotics launching IoT technology based platform ‘Obniz’ on April 3rd.

The solution metricates the air polluted status using S-300 CO2 sensors in closed place, To keep pleasant air-quality inside, watch people assemble & disassemble and correlate CO2 concentration change.

*Development background

  1. March. 9th, COVID-19 experts’ meeting announced their view on measure over COVID-19 infection. And 2020. March. 24th, MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) notified the guide line to schools over COVID-19.

1) For enclosed places vulnerable to air-pollution, strict ventilation is essential lest spread quickly.

2) Keep the people’s crowding level low, beyond one’s reach.

3) Closed dialogue, speaking, and singing should be avoided

The application is developed by the need ‘Strict Ventilation is not clear’, So, focused to metricate Air-Quality and correlate with crowding level, giving indication on ventilation, targeting to decrease enclosed peoples and their families’ worry of COVID patients occurrence.


Solution support BLE platform based products, easily controllable, uploadable and savable, and easily settable new device on cloud, with WIFI setting in field.

Thanks for Reading.

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