Poultry monitoring using S-300-3V CO2 sensors to protect chickens from sudden death
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Iwate univ. x NTT Tocomo
Poultry productivity raise using IOT-tech based CO2, Temp, Humidity monitoring
Agricultural department of Iwate university, which has made success on basic study on Primary industry, has contributed local livestock farms by troubleshooting their issues.
As one of those studies to raise poultry’s productivity, the study monitors chickens’ breeding
environment variables, by collecting data and correlating with chickens’ sudden death.
The local chicken farmers, who cooperated the study, expected ‘the 24hours automation system’
propel management efficiency.
https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/biz/casestudy/iwate_u/ CO2 sensor comes 1 min.20sec.)
Voice of Customers
Farmers expected to prevent chicken farms’ sudden death due to unknown environmental variables.
Kida san, director & Vice president of Iwate univ., Ph.D. in Agriculture.
Minami san, CEO of Minami FOOD (https://www.minami-skh.com/)
Poultry famers in Iwate prefecture have faced chickens’ sudden death, known as ascetes and fever disease. Despite their measure to control environment with ventilation line, still have been losing 5% of cheken by sudden death.
Many studies have proved the reason of ascetes and fever disease come from the change of TEMP. HUMIDITY, and CO2 concentration; accordingly, controlling those variables could keep chickens with comfortable environment. However, setting up big size poultry was not as easy as gymnasium. Temperature and humidity between wall and center was different and CO2 concentration was not constant as chickens breathe.
Iwate university agriculture department has been doing IoT technology based test with NTT DOCOMO, to find mutual relation between chickens’ sudden death and environmental variables inside MINAMI FOOD owned poultry farms located Iwate prefecture.Tha
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