New products - low cost explosive gas sensor modules (CxHy-S3)


view : 3035

We have launched new low cost explosive gas sensor modules. (CxHy-S3)

This product is a single beam sensor, which is supplied at a lower price than the existing dual beam sensor, so that customers can feel free to use it.

Although it is a single sensor, its performance is very stable, its accuracy is high, and its value does not change even in high humidity. This product can be used in various fields such as danger of gas leakage or danger of working environment.

This single sensor product has the same size and pin specifications as existing dual products, so customers who use our CxHy-D3 series dual sensor module can replace it without any work.

The products are CH4-S3, C3H8-S3, Butane sensor (C4H10-S3), and ethylene sensor (C2H4-S3) modules.
All 5V, 3.3V input power can be selected when ordering. The output can also be 0 to 100% LEL measurement or ppm output.

For detailed specifications, please refer to attached data sheet.

Please contact to receive the propane sensor and ethylene sensor module data sheet of single sensor.

Thank you.

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