[ELT SENSOR New Products] Released D-300 Series, Worlds Smallest Dual Channel CO2 Sensors
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With its original technology for NDIR sensors, ELT Sensor (www.eltsensor.co.kr) released in July the "D-300" Series (D-300 and D-300-3V), the world's smallest dual channel CO2 sensors.
Requiring low voltage of 3.3V, the dual channel CO2 sensor "D-300" Series is very small and consumes less energy. Also, it possesses outstanding accuracy with low temperature deviation. Furthermore, it supports various applications from hospitals that are not well ventilated, greenhouses, and livestock facilities to general ventilation and HVAC systems, as it operates well under thermal shock (-10℃~50℃) and in high-humidity conditions.
The product is designed for places where ACDL logic cannot be used, for it has MCDl function of "0"ppm or "400"ppm. While using such a product, users can manage it and see accurate results.
The dual channel CO2 sensor "D-300" Series has a low power 3.3 voltage input and sleep mode function. The power-saving design is suitable for customers who use batteries or are seeking energy-efficient solutions.
One ELT Sensor official said: "The world's smallest dual channel CO2 sensor "D-300" Series is the fruit of excellent original technology and 10 years of tech know-how. Users will be able to experience the technical differences in algorithm which have been applied to the dual CO2 sensors."
(Pic description: The "EK-100 Series" is a test board for users of dual CO2 sensors. It is offered with a switch that can use 5V and 3.3V. And the software can be easily changed through micro USB connections.)
Meanwhile, the ELT Sensor has one of the world's three original NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) technologies. The company owns the most domestic patents. Because it is an infrared air quality monitoring technology, it possesses higher accuracy and increased longevity when compared to existing electrochemical and semiconductor-type contact sensors.
Global News Network 'AVING'
by Kevin Choi (www.aving.net)
Source : http://us.aving.net/news/view.php?articleId=1268053&Branch_ID=us&rssid=naver&mn_name=news